Suaimhneas CBT Therapy Cork and Mindfulness

Social Anxiety

What is Social Anxiety?

If you have social anxiety you might feel extremely self-consciousness in social situations, due to a fear of being embarrassed or judged by others. If you are socially anxious then you might be tempted to avoid social situations.

Everyone experiences shyness from time to time. especially in new situations. However, if you have social anxiety you will notice that it is impacting you so much that it is holding you back from doing the things in life that matter to you. 

Self consciousness or heightened, inward, self-focus of body sensations is at the core of social anxiety. If you struggle with social anxiety your biggest fear is probably of feeling embarrassed, and of being judged by others in social situations. Some of the thoughts that people experience when they fear being in social situations include ‘they will laugh at me’, ‘they know I’m embarrassed’ or ‘I look like an idiot’, ‘what if I stammer’ or ‘look ‘awkward’?

It’s completely understandable that you experience social anxiety may also struggle with low self-esteem, self-criticism and feelings of isolation. 

Coming to CBT therapy is a courageous first step if you have social anxiety. At Suaimhneas Cork CBT Therapy and Mindfulness, you will find a safe, supportive, non-judgemental space where your experience of social anxiety is respected and understood. 

Generalised Anxiety Disorder

How can CBT help for Social Anxiety?

CBT treatment for social anxiety helps you to understand what causes your social anxiety and how it has become a vicious cycle in your life. It addresses the triggering thoughts and beliefs that maintain your social anxiety. You will learn skills to help you to shift from an inward self-focus on the strong sensations of anxiety in your body, and instead to be able to focus outwardly on what is happening in the world around you. This will helps to challenge your beliefs about how you think you look to other people in social settings. It will also help you to see social situations as less threatening so that you can slowly begin engage in the world and with others in ways that will help you to build your self-confidence.

Feel free to have a look at our other pages below to learn more about how Suaimhneas Cork CBT Therapy and Mindfulness can help you.

What is CBT Therapy?

CBT for Anxiety 

CBT for Generalized Anxiety (GAD)

CBT for Social Anxiety

CBT for Health Anxiety


CBT for Panic Attacks

CBT for Depression


CBT for Low Self-Esteem

CBT for ADHD Adults

Autism Counselling and Psychotherapy for Adults

What is Mindfulness?

Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction

Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy

Frequently Asked Questions

About Shirine

Feel free to contact us at Suaimhneas CBT Therapy Cork and Mindfulness if you have any questions or if you would like to to book an appointment. Don’t hesitate to get in touch on our contact form below.

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Suaimhneas CBT Therapy Cork and Mindfulness