Reviews & Testimonials

Learn More about Suaimhneas Cork CBT Therapy and Mindfulness from previous client’s Reviews and Testimonials.
"I have attended Cbt and mindfulness with Shirine for quite some time and the impact this has had on my life was something I was not expecting. Over the weeks and months I did cbt (cognitive behavioural therapy and also some mindfulness). Both aspects have changed my life for the better. Cbt gave me the tools to cope with aspects of life I struggled with and felt hopeless in repairing. Shirine has such a gentle approach where it feels more like your having a relaxed chat with a friend rather than a session. Cbt helped me gain control over my mind and return back to my true self. I have so much more knowledge about why I think and act the way I do, and this allows me to step back and realise what is happening and how I can go about a particular situation in a positive way. I use these simple techniques I have learned in my everyday life and couldn’t be more grateful for Shirine".
“When I first came across CBT I was in a constant state of anxiety and could not relax and settle myself. Everything was difficult. Even small tasks caused me stress. I started CBT with Shirine and I cannot believe the difference it made and is still making to my life. CBT has given me the ability to help heal and look after myself”
“During CBT, I began to understand the why of my reactions, the ‘what’ that triggered the response and slowly I realised I could ’interrupt’ the scenario that played out ‘in my head’. I realised that I had been looking for an instant ‘perfect’ solution, a release from pain. However, the reality is that I’m me, I can’t change the past and the past is part of me. Through CBT, I have and am still learning to accept that I’m not perfect, that I make mistakes, that life is uncertain and that all of that is ok.”
“When I started CBT I was constantly in fight or flight and I had become numb to how I was truly feeling underneath the buzz of anxiety. Through CBT I learned about worry cycles which contributed to my feelings of overwhelm, and in breaking those cycles I've found space and empowerment to listen in to what my feelings are trying to tell me. I no longer live in my head fighting fires but can connect to a deeper sense of calm in my body."
“Shirine was born to do this job. Her sincerity, warmth and authenticity shine through. She went out of her way to help me with my particular challenge (recovery from chronic pain). I couldn’t recommend her higher”
“Thanks so much Shirine. It has been an amazing 8 weeks. I am more relaxed and calm and better equipped to deal my busy life as a mom, manager and wife. My children now have my full attention in the evenings, we have much more fun at home now. I am able to switch gears between work and home”
“It has transformed my life and how I live my life. Not in a way that others (except maybe those closest to me) would notice, but it is has fundamentally changed how I live my life – and hopefully will continue to live my life.”
“I found Shirine to be a wonderful teacher. Shirine is very softly spoken and has a gentle presence that lends itself perfectly to the subject of mindfulness”
“Shirine, you have a gift, a great voice and you manage your state so well in the classes. Mindfulness is a journey and it is good to have a role model to see. It adds credibility and trust to what is new
If you wish to learn more about how Suaimhneas Cork CBT Therapy and Mindfulness can help, feel free to click on the links below:
CBT for Generalized Anxiety (GAD)
Autism Counselling and Psychotherapy for Adults
Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction
Feel free to contact us at Suaimhneas CBT Therapy Cork and Mindfulness if you have any questions or if you would like to to book an appointment. Don’t hesitate to get in touch on our contact form below.